Tel: +44 (0)20 7486 9844

Whether you are a trainer, a coach, a management consultant or an OD specialist, WorldWork products will add value to the programmes you design and run for your clients.  Our products will enable you to include a cross-cultural element into your training events and coaching programmes.

Planning for a team coaching event? Use the International Team Trust Indicator (ITTI) to help the team boost and manage trust levels within the team or work group. Trust is a major factor determining levels of innovation, communication, engagement and readiness to change within teams and work groups.


Preparing people for international assignments or expatriation?  Use the International Profile (TIP) to help them understand and adapt their approach and behavioural style to be most effective in the specific context in which they will be working.

Setting up a new international project team for a client?  Use the new Trust Contracting Tool (TCT) to identify and embed trust building behaviours to suit the needs of team members.

Working with a multi-cultural team that’s lost its way? Use the MMT as part of your facilitation process to highlight how misunderstandings can reduce team effectiveness and how they can be overcome.

Preparing a group of employees to work with a new global client or supplier?  Use the International Preference Indicator (IPI) as part of a training programme to raise awareness of cultural issues and the motivation to tune behaviours to match new and unfamiliar situations.

Coaching a leader for promotion to a more global role? Use TIP as a basis for the coaching dialogue to ensure that the cultural aspects of relationships with new business partners are understood and taken on board.

There are many ways in which our products can be embedded into the work you do for your clients.  Contact us if you would like any help with preparing proposals and/or ideas about how WorldWork products can add value to the consulting work that you do.


  Our expertise

Intercultural Training

Raise awareness of cultural differences. Increase cross-cultural competence.

Ensure that your training programmes include an element to build a global mind-set in order to back-up your client’s global strategy. Raise the cultural awareness and competence of the people you train. Show them the misconceptions and miscommunications that can arise when working in a multi-cultural context and how these can be avoided.

To help you do this we recommend; International Preferences Indicator

Executive Coaching

Prepare managers for international assignments. Cultivate their global leadership skills.

Most executives now work with business partners from different countries and cultures, so many of your coaching assignments will involve issues arising from different cultural perceptions. Increase the self-awareness of your coachees, so that they can better understand how others see them and adapt their own approach to unfamiliar cultural contexts.

To help you do this we recommend; The International Profiler

Talent Development

Provide learning opportunities for everyone. Develop future global leaders.

Whatever their approach to talent management, your client organisations will need to ensure that they can call upon capable and agile people and leaders, including global leaders, for the future. Businesses will need to provide the resources and access to learning opportunities for all their people so that they can build and adapt their capabilities in the light of changing circumstances.

To support you in doing this we recommend; The International Profiler, International Preferences Indicator

Global Mobility Coaching

Ensure smooth transitions at critical career points. Maintain high performance and avoid culture shock and burnout.

Expatriation may be less common than it used to be, but the need to travel frequently and extensively and to work in different countries often takes its place. Where expatriation does take place then repatriation is also a critical transition for individuals and employing organisations. Coaching support using our products can help the individual to adapt in emotional and practical ways to ensure continued high levels of performance and avoid burnout.

To help them do this we recommend you use; The International Profiler

Team Coaching

Build high performing teams and work groups. Nurture and manage trust.

Working in a culturally diverse team can lead to tensions, frustrations, and poor performance. Facilitating the team and helping them to build trust within the team and with the team leader can greatly improve communication, commitment, innovation, a readiness to change and ultimately success for the team. To maximize a team’s potential, it is critical to give them the right tools they need to succeed.

To support and nurture the teams you work with we recommend; Team Trust Indicator, Managing Multicultural Teams, International Preferences Indicator

Project Management Support

Identify and manage cultural differences. Overcome the difficulties of working virtually.

Cultural diversity within a team will significantly influence the dynamic of the group; it can create difficulties, but is also a potential source of energy and creativity. As an outside consultant, you are in the best situation to release this potential by helping team members to understand different expectations and perceptions and negotiate ways of working together and maintaining commitment even when the team is not co-located.

To help you do this we recommend; The International Profiler, Managing Multicultural Teams, Team Trust Indicator

Managing Change Programmes

Organisations are naturally resistant to change. Change happens when people change.

Organisational change only happens when enough people in the organisation are themselves ready to change. This requires change from the bottom up until a tipping point is reached where change gathers momentum. Using WorldWork products in your interventions will help people to adopt a more global mind-set and align themselves with a more open and international business environment.

We recommend; International Preferences Indicator, The International Profiler, Team Trust Indicator, Next Level Leadership

Developing Global Leaders

Develop leaders to succeed in unfamiliar cultural contexts. Build cultural agility into their DNA.

In the VUCA environment that typifies the modern business world all leaders have to learn to be agile. There is no one leadership approach or style that will fit all different contexts, and this is particularly true for global leaders, where cultural differences have to be understood and responded to. Using our products in your development work will raise the leader’s self-awareness so that he/she can adapt to embrace different cultural contexts.

The tools we recommend for you are: The International Profiler

Need help choosing one of our products? Call us today 020 7486 9844.