People who complete the International Profiler (TIP™) process will become more self aware and will be able to adopt behavioural strategies appropriate for the particular intercultural context that they are currently working in – or that they will be working in. It is a personal development process, based on a self assessment psychometric questionnaire resulting in a detailed personal feedback report. The process also includes an individual feedback and coaching session leading to a Personal Development Plan as an output.
(TIP™) is a well-established tool that was a pioneer in the field of personal development for working effectively in unfamiliar cultural environments. Since its inception we have continually upgraded the product to include different norm bases and languages. Also, we have now developed and validated a new shorter questionnaire based on an analysis of data in our database.
The use of (TIP™) continues to grow and it is now used in a wide range of industries and intercultural contexts. As an agile tool, it has recently been updated to more effectively support people working in a VUCA world.
See what students say about how they think education can help prepare them for the globalised world. Also, see why employers value intercultural skills.
The (TIP™) process is based on 10 competencies and 22 behavioural dimensions. We have selected these on the basis of extensive academic research and also the practical experience of leaders and executives who have experience of working in unfamiliar cultural contexts.
The questionnaire and feedback reports are available in Chinese, English, German, French, Italian, Polish and Spanish. We have also developed a special online Wiki which provides an abundance of development suggestions for each of these 22 dimensions, some of which relate to specific national contexts.
The product is supported by an international network of over 320 coaches, consultants and trainers, who are licensed by WorldWork to deliver feedbacks and coaching using the (TIP™) process.
Find out about becoming licensed to use TIP here.
Find out about the next licensing event here
TIP is always delivered by an experienced facilitator or coach who has been accredited by WorldWork for the purpose. It can be accessed in 2 ways:
An organisation can purchase a complete package for each person within their organisation who is interested in developing their ability to work effectively in an international or global environment. These packages include:
Buy TIP Packages in our online shop
Facilitators and team coaches who are certified to use TIP can purchase individual credits which they can use to add value to the programmes they deliver to their client organisations. Purchasing individual credits in the shop[ will provide:
Buy TIP Credits in our online shop here
Buy Consultant Support Services in our online shop here
Buy Access to the International Profiler Development Wiki in our online shop here
Buy the International Competency Framework book in our online shop here
Buy the International Competency Cards in our online shop here
WorldWork is developing a multi-rater leadership tool called Next Level Leadership that is now be available.
“What brings success is the ability to be more international in outlook. You can’t change what you are but you can start to think differently and be more aware of yourself…TIP…shows you the choices you might make to make a success of your role.”
Karen Donley, HR Director, MBDA
* WorldWork offer administration service to support delivery of tools for projects. [Certification or a licensed consultant is required for optimal facilitation of the TIP]