Working with partners, WorldWork has developed the capability to design and deploy a range of tailor-made online learning solutions. These will provide support for trainers, consultants, managers and leaders working in the field of personal and organisational development. Our focus is on developing cross-cultural and global leadership products and processes, and empowering individuals to manage their own learning.
In the current VUCA business environment, individuals need to take an active part in keeping their knowledge and skills relevant to the needs of their organisation and the wider employment market. To do this they need the support and facilities of their employing organisation. They also need access to a range of different learning opportunities and experiences. Cognitive science and studies of adult learning are helping us to understand how good instructional design can increase engagement with the learning process and hence enable people to adapt better to the changing business environment. For example, ‘serious games’ have become an increasingly important way in which organisations provide learning opportunities for their people. Here is an interesting article which gives an overview of this learning technology; it includes some examples and a fascinating TED talk entitled “Gaming can make a better World?” by Jane McGonical.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction.
E. F. Schumacher - Economist